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Each week our Brownies have the opportunity to earn points. 

Remembering their Brownie Adventure or Brownie Adventure On Book; their Badge Book; their Brownie Bag and Necker earns 1 Brownie point per item. 

AdventureBook    AdventureOn    BadgeBook


For the first meeting of the month the Brownies also bring with them their Brownie Pocket.  During their first couple of meeting a new Brownie will make her Brownie pocket and will need to find to put the following items in it - Pencil; Paper; Piece of String; 30 pence and a Safety Pin; Tissue and Paster all wrapped up in a Small Plastic Bag.


Each sixer makes a note of how many points are to be awarded and the following week Tawny Owl gives each Brownie her points cheque.  When 50 points has been awarded the Brownie can exchage it for a small prize.

BookMark       Rubber       PinBadge       ResinBear       Notebook      
