World Thinking Day is a time when all
members of Guiding think about our founders Lord and Lady Baden
Powell. To celebrate Thinking Day 2012 the girls worked towards
their Brownie Traditions Badge.
1. Make a quiz or game, or put on a short play for other Brownies about
all of the following
When Brownies Started
What Brownies was first Called
How Brownie Uniform has changed
Day is Celebrated on February 22nd. This is the birthday of Lord and
Lady Baden Powell, who started the Girl Guide and Boy Scout Movement H elping others - our Brownie
Motto is Lend a Hand. We can lend a hand at home, at Brownies, at
School and by helping to raise money for those in need I n 1909, at a Boy Scout
rally, some girls appeared. They were interested in joining, so Lord
and Lady Baden-Powell decided to start Girl Guides N ow there is Girlguiding all
over the world. There are over 10 million members K indness all around the world.
We are kind and friendly to all our sister Brownies, whether they are
from our Six, our pack or another Country I n countries all over the
world are Brownies. In Russia, Brownies are called Junior Girl Scouts N ew girls and adults are
always welcome to join us. You can be a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, Ranger
or an adult helper G uiding is fun! There are
always lots of exciting things to do
D o your best - as part of our
Proimise, Brownies always try to do their best A ll members of the Association
belong to one big family. There are members in 136 countries Y ou are part of this family on
World Thining Day is special for all of us as we celebrate Guiding
around the world
We then went on to learn about uniforms
from across the ages - thanks to Girlguiding
Norfolk Heritage for their ideas.
2. Chose and do
three traditional Brownie activities.
Draw the Union Flag and know how it is
made up - thanks goes to Woodland Junior School for showing us how this
is done - the Brownies then made their own copy of the flag.
Know the first verse of the
National Anthem
God save our
gracious Queen
Long live our
noble Queen
God save the
Send her
Happy and
Long to reign
over us
God save the
With other Brownies, sign some of the Six songs that
Brownies used to sing. Check out this website for lots more
Ghillie Dhu is our name
We guard the bairns and lead them hame
The Brownies then
decided to have a go at making up their own six songs.
Badgers walking through the woods
Helping others like we should
Hedgehogs, Hedgehogs
Look out for us Hedgehogs
We're the Rabbits clever and smart
We help the others throughout the day
3. Make a poster showing
what you think Brownies will be doing in ten years time.